Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Worst Day Ever

Ok- so today we went to our every other day (supposed to be every day but they changed their minds at the last minute) visit with our kiddos and we learned that one of the kids in their groupa has chicken pox. They are not sure if our kids do or not. But, if they do they are possibly not going to release them to us on Tuesday as planned. We may be here MUCH longer than anticipated. And, with the eclipse who knows if we will have someplace to stay. And why on earth we cannot have custody now and take care of them I do not know but that is also out of the question. I am MAD and SAD and scared for our little ones. Anyone have any advice for me??? Anyone know the incubation period for chicken pox? My DH is being very nice and supportive- he wants me to remember that "fyosh budit harasho" (sp?) but it is super hard right now.

And the darn washer in our apt broke with all of our clothes in it. I am losing it right now.

So, that is where we are right now. Will keep everyone posted on what happens- hopefully they will not present symptoms and we will get to leave this hinterland on Thursday as planned but at this point I have little hope. Or a place to stay after the 31st.


Anonymous said...


I'm so sorry to hear this. Here's what I found on chicken pox:

The incubation period of chickenpox is between 10 and 20 days.

Before the typical rash appears, patients often develop a fever, headache, swollen glands and other flu like symptoms.

Skin vesicles contain the virus but are not the primary sources. Scabs are not infectious. Patients are contagious from 2 days before onset of the rash until all lesions have crusted.

kelly said...

Thinking of you! Hoping & praying things work out as planned :-)

markay714 said...

Got chicken pox as an adult from a lady that had shingles and didn't know it was contagious to those of us that hadn't had chicken pox. It took exactly 2 1/2 weeks. Sure hate to hear y'all are dealing with all of this!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about all of your troubles...we are in Moscow after picking up our new daughter and I can completely sympathize with you. We have been here in Russia (Karelia,until 2 days ago) since July 1st and I miss the US soooo much right now. I am sure you are tired and homesick not to mention adding chicken pox to the mix! Yeesh! I will say a prayer that all works out soon and for the best!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog and not sure if you remember me, but you have been in my thoughts and prayers through this whole process. It is interesting to me that you are going through the chicken pox scare in Russia at the same time I am going through the same thing in CT! I have two girls (one two and one 10months). I did not vaccine them and who knew chicken pox still existed!
From what I heard it takes 14-16 days from point of infection for symptoms to appear. So that means the kids might not even show signs of getting this for another two weeks. I don't know what this means for your time frame, but hopefully you'll have them both in your arms well before the pox appear (hopefully they don't appear at all!).
My girls ended up not getting them at all so don't think just because they're exposed they'll get it.
It's been wonderful of you to share your journey with all of us and I have cried and laughed through the whole process. You are in my thoughts and prayers and please let me know if you need anything or just an ear to listen....
(you can reach me through facebook)
Berkeley (Stwan) Murray AWS '94