Monday, July 14, 2008

Chicago, Chicago...

Hi All-

blogging from the Chicago airport. Bored, bored, bored. Not much to report- super ready to be there which is bad as we have over 20 hours to go. :) First flight uneventful- back of the back of the plane.

Really just wanted to post this picture of the crazy amount of luggage that is making this trip with us. Between all of the gifts we must bring, the snacks etc for the kiddos and 2 strollers we are definitely travelling HEAVY for us. But American didnt seem to mind, as long as we paid our overweight fees so that was good- rather pay a fee than have my bag rejected for being ridiculously heavy.

Write more once we are there!



1 comment:

Suz said...

Sarah and Aaron, congratulations on this wonderful trip of a lifetime!

I only just found your blog (on FRUA) so it's exciting to be reading along at this really crucial point of the story!

Can't wait to read more!