Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Surprises all over the place today

Hi Everyone-

Here are a couple pics from the other day- just for fun and because I think that it makes my blog more colorful! This week has been full of surprises- both good and not so fun. On the good side (YAH, we love good things) I really think the kids are starting to think in English. We knew they understood most of what was being said in English before but in the last couple days I have seen a real switch, especially in Ana, in the way she phrases things and I think (in my completely unprofessional, slanted, biased way) that she is brilliantly switching in her mind between English and Russian and making a concerted effort and progress to converse more in English. She knows her school starts tomorrow and is sooo excited about it and I think she wants to be able to talk to her classmates and knows this is the best way. Mommy is a little bit scared about school - I know it is only 3 mornings a week and she is ready and dying to go but what if she freaks out? What if she is scared? What if the teacher can’t understand her? I know, she will be fine- just keep telling me that! Aaron is going to put together a little Russian primer for the teacher today- the issue is that lots of Russian words actually sound like swear words in English and they are, of course, the ones our kids use often. We dont want any misunderstandings so I think it is best if they speak English in public (when possible) and if Aaron makes a list of common Russian toddler words for her teacher. Lets hope that goes well.

On the bad side poor Sasha had to go to the doctor AGAIN yesterday. We went just to get his stitches out and thought it would be a quick in and out but the doctor took a look at a boo boo on his bottom (he gets rashes and scratches them) and decided it was not a rash but rather an infection and to cut it open for a better look! Well, when you go in for a quick 2 stitches removal and end up with a scalpel to your bum, your day has gone from okay to not so fun. Poor little guy- he was very very unhappy. They biopsied the boo boo and we shall see. He is on really strong antibiotics while we wait it out! It is odd how things work out, in Russia we were told that Sasha was healthy as a horse and that Ana was the one to be a bit concerned about in terms of health and now that we are home and settling in and going to the doctor it is our poor Sasha who needs to have tonsil/adenoid surgery, had stitches in his noggin, has this infection etc. He has had a way worse time of it physically than she has- which was a surprise for sure. I just hope we can get this all sorted out quickly and stop visiting the doctor. Thankfully it is nothing serious really - it is all standard kid illnesses but still it is hard to watch him be unhappy at the doctor's office!

I still haven’t scheduled his tonsil surgery- we are waiting to see if we can do a "twofer" with a circumcision (I know, it just gets worse for him, doesn’t it?) but there is some question as to if they will allow that. They should, it would mean general anesthesia (sp?) only once which is way way safer but because the circumcision can be considered elective they may not. (please no comments on if we should or should not circumcise- that is a choice we will make, no flames please) Which would mean tonsils now, and we go back to the drawing board and discuss all over again how we feel about the other thing. We had made our minds up- for social, emotional, health related reasons but this is sort of a roadblock and we will need to re-evaluate if they won’t do it this way for us. I have strong feelings about putting a small child under and I am not sure if I can allow it twice. We will have to think hard on this and I will keep you posted.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Going to the Zoo

Hey Everybody-

Here is my first attempt to upload video to blogger. I think it is okay- it looks like some of the resolution was lost - probably because I compressed it. But c'est la vie. Here are the kiddos outside the daddy mobile after an exciting trip to the zoo yesterday. Here in Seattle we dont wait for sunshine to get out there - we would never go outside if we did! Aren't their boots the cutest things you have ever seen!

More later...


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How to organize a life....

This week is all about crazy schedules and trying to fit way too much into our schedules in order to keep the Brand Family moving forward.

First it was off to Edmonton (on a Sunday!) for a quick business trip so Aaron had the kiddos all to himself for 2 days- poor guy is pretty tuckered, even with our brand new fabulous daddy's helper, Colleen, coming in for several hours on Sunday to help him. And, the kids were pretty mad at me when I did return Monday night just before bedtime- I had been gone 40 hours and they hadnt seen me leave Sunday morning because it was early. They hate that. I always agonize over whether to wake them up to say good bye (which is bad for Aaron after I leave but better for me maybe) or not and I seem to always decide to let them sleep- must be the mommy in me.

Then yesterday was just a flurry of meetings for me so I was crazy and the kids started their new dance class which was fun but apparently a bit scary for Sasha- who spent most of it in Papa's lap... Today I need to go to the office of course, we have swim lessons, Sasha also needs to have his tonsil surgery scheduled, both have dr appts coming soon, i need to check out Ana's school and write the check for that today, I have to be out of town tomorrow all day for a client (but no overnight thank God) and then Friday is the Charity Golf Tournament for the school for which I sit on the board. We have already decided that for this one, Aaron (who is signed up to play in a foursome with some of my fellow board members) will attend alone- it is sort of weird because he is the 'spouse' but he is the golfer and we can't both go- it is too crazy around here and who would be with the kids? I will have to stay home from the office and try to work from here - hahaha- but at least we have Colleen on Fridays for 3 hours as a daddy's helper so I might get something done from the house.

At what point do you say, "okay, it does take a village and the kids will survive with a sitter for a couple of hours?". I mean, they like Colleen, she is perfectly capable of us not being here (she sits for several of our friends families, is 25, etc etc), and someday it would be nice to go out to dinner or something.... We have been home 8 weeks today and we have not left the kids a single time- not even for an hour (though we did leave Sasha with Jaimie for a hour when Ana went to the doctor but that doesnt count as it is family) - and I am feeling the strain. One or both of us has been with them all of the time, no matter what. Aaron is also feeling the strain- I can tell- it is him that is with them every day all day when I go to work...I try to help by giving him as much down time as I can (golf, beers with the guys etc and he does get way more of that sort of purely social interaction than I do right now but still, I talk to grown ups all day so...) I know we are still cocooning/attaching etc but I am beginning to believe that we need to look to the health (mental included) of the whole family here. Now, I just need to convince Aaron that they will not suffer irreprable (sp?) attachment harm if we go to dinner or if Mommy goes to work while he plays golf for charity.... Any ideas? Am I just crazy? I just think they are more resiliant than that- and I KNOW that other adoptive parents havent gone to the crazy lengths to never leave the kids with someone else that we have gone through and I applaud them for it- we need to find the same sort of balance, and probably RELAX about it all. Easier said than done apparently....


Friday, September 19, 2008

Well, it was bound to happen.

Last night was our first trip to the ER. Poor Sasha took a header into the corner of heating vent during a game of "lets run around instead of going to bed". His socks were just to slippery and his sister was chasing him and well, that is how these things happen.

There was lots of blood (yuck) and Aaron called 911 before the situation was fully assessed by Mama so soon we had 6 firemen in our living room. We got the blood to stop fast with pressure and a towel before they even got there. They announced he would be fine but we needed stitches, so off to the ER for the Brand family. I think Sasha was a little bummed he didnt get to ride in the fire truck really. They had already taken off for the next emergency by the time we found shoes and got the kids into the car. I dont recommend Northwest Hospital on a thursday evening- we should have gone to Children's but this is closer. It is also apparently where the ladies of the night come for their late night needs - not as bad as Harborview, but not exactly what I was hoping to expose my toddlers too...

Anyway, 4 hours later, 2 stitches and gauze turban to keep him from scratching at it and we were finally off. Then it was time to put our kids (who were great and brave in the hospital) to bed now that they were home and could freak out in peace. LONG TIME for that. Anyway, all is fine now- he is running around playing dress up with his sister. Here is a funny pic of him taken last night- just for kicks.

Mama is tired and now that the adreline has worn off I need a nap!

Thanks for all the people that responded to my last post- good to know I am not talking to myself (makes me feel slightly more sane) and I will keep it up. :)


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Time for school, already???

Hi Everyone-

Busy busy week- sorry.

So, the lame news is that we found out yesterday that Sasha does have to get his tonsils and adneoids out- and soon. They usually try to wait until they are 3 to do this because apparently it is safer but they dont want to wait that long because they are so big they are concerned that it is over affecting his sleep (it is!), his eating (not sure about this) and his general health. So, my baby has to STAY OVERNIGHT at Children's Hospital and get them out. We dont have it scheduled yet- we are waiting on one more consult but my guess is it will happen in early October. Yikes!!! I am scared and I hate hospitals (serious understatement) and he is so little and cute- I am freaking just thinking about him in the big horrible hospital bed. He doesnt like beds- he sleeps on the floor in a nest of blankets - they arent gonna allow that for sure...

They better let me or Aaron stay with him all night- that is for sure. Hopefully because it is a Children's Hospital they are used to crazy parents but I am not sure they have seen my level of mama-bear ness yet. And dont get me started on general aenestethia (sp?) and how I feel about that. Ugh, I feel sick just thinking about this. On to happier subjects.

Ana informed us a couple of weeks ago that it is time for her to go to school. She has brought it up time and time again since then. She is so serious and grown up sometimes it kills me- it is cute and at the same time very disconcerting and sad because a 3.8 year old should not be like that really. But, after some careful discussion, thought and observing how she does in groups of kids we realize that she is right. She is very social and she thrives on talking and playing with other kids- her little brother is a fine playmate, but at the end of the day he is still just a little brother. Also, her English has grown by leaps and bounds recently and can read along with simple books (Brown Bear for example). So, after lots of research we have settled on a 3 morning a week program at a preschool near our house. She went this morning for a tour and a teacher meeting and she did not want to leave- she was having such a great time. They liked her too. So, it looks as if very soon (as in next week) she will be enrolled M/W/F in a morning program. We are giving it a month trial and will see how it pans out. Hopefully it will be great all around. And that means Papa and Sasha will have quality one on one time 3 times a week which will be good too as he is still a baby in many ways and will love the extra attention.

I will keep you posted. :) I am not sure how much longer I will blog as honestly I think no one reads it anymore (totally fine, I know the adoption part is basically over and that was the draw) but I hate to think about talking to an empty room so to speak. I expect I will do it for another month maybe... who knows.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Water Babies!

Hi Everyone-

Today we went to see Dr. Epley.

Dr. Epley is the pediatric neuro-opthamologist that is the go to guy here on nystagmus. He did a full exam- Ana was a trooper- just a few tears when they put the drops in her eyes, and the news is mostly good. Her nystagmus is as minor as we hoped. Basically it happens when she is stressed or scared- which we have already figured out. He said that all of the indicators of something worse were not there so that is great news. He also said that her vision seemed okay- she is far sighted but she is okay- probably 20/40. They cant really tell that until she is 4 apparently... So, maybe she will have bad eyes and need some help with that along the way but there is currently no need to plan surgery or give her drugs- he said she is far too mild a case for either of those routes. She doesnt even have a null point and she can actually will the wiggling to stop if you ask her too- which apparently is just a fabulous sign. The only bummer thing we learned is that apaprently if her sight is bad due to the nystagmus glasses actually wont really help, because it is not a focus problem but rather a nerve problem. So if in fact her vision is bad then she will just have bad vision- and maybe have to have a few allowances in school for that. But, my hopes are high that all will be fine and we will continue to monitor it of course. She will go back in 6 months for a check up but right now we are all okay- yes, she has the wiggly eyes when stressed but that is okay and something we can deal with and the dr. thinks it will continue to lessen as she ages.

And then back to the office for Mama and home to play with Jaimie (YAY JAIMIE!) and Sasha for Aaron and Ana. He did super well for his first play time away from Ana since they have been with us- but of course it was with Jaimie so no suprise there.

We also had our first family swimming lesson tonight. I met the kiddos and Aaron at the Ballard pool for our 6pm parent and tot class. It was fun and the kids absolutely love swimming. We were nervous and we arrived early so they could check out the pool, watch other kids in the class before us swim, prance around in their swimmers etc. Well, they were just rarin' to go in. They couldnt wait for it to be our turn. They literally hopped into our arms as soon as we got in the water and we had a great 1/2 hour learning to blow bubbles (Ana is great at this, Sasha decided that he doesnt yet get the difference between breathing in and out underwater but he doesnt seem to mind the taste of pool water....), kicking- both are champs - and basically having a grand time frolicking in the water. i really feel like I bonded with Sasha during this swim- he was in my arms the whole time and we had a ton of fun eye contact etc. Next time i will have to take pics for sure!

Then home where the awesome Jaimie had made us dinner. Sasha is currently sleeping and Aaron is still trying to convince Ana it is a good idea so it will be another long night but we had a great day!


Monday, September 8, 2008

What do you mean, control freak?

Hi All-

It was a good weekend. K & C had a great welcome shower for us- I swear- I think the kids now believe that every weekend involves having a party that revolves around them and where they receive presents. Poor things are in for a rude awakening- this was officially the last shower. :) Everyone has been so awesome and supportive - the outpouring of support, acceptance and love has been so wonderful and we are so glad the kids have been doing well at integrating into the family and the wider circle of friends.

Grand Nanny Jaimie has been here almost a week now- her help is so so so great. Aaron and I are going to miss her immensly when she has to leave next week. It is so nice to have someone there who is so great with kids and so relaxed about it- we dont have to do everything perfectly- we just have to make it through the day and everything will be okay as long as all are safe and fed and clean. And, it has been especially helpful this week as Sasha and Ana (and Mama) have been nursing a terrible cold/cough and her medical expertise has been invaluable and probably kept us from an emergency room visit or panicked call to the doctor.

So a few people (most recently Jaimie) have told me that Ana is very very much like my mom, Markell. That is is channelling her for sure. This is basically because she is a control freak and wants it all her way. Unfortunately, I am also like my mom and therefore we have a long road ahead of us in terms of working out who is really in charge (me, of course, but it takes time for her to get this) and is entertaining along the way.

This made me think- I miss my mom so much and today would actually have been her birthday. I wish that she had been here to hold the kids and kiss them and show them how to do things because Queen Markell would have been a fabulous grand mother to my two little ones. I know she 'picked' them for us and that she is watching over us each and every day but I still would like to see her and hear her voice and watch her play with them. Not many people know this but Sasha was actually born while my mom was in the hospital in her coma - I think just maybe she was out cosmically searching for the right family for us and that took all of her energy that particular day- she just wanted to find them and then later she could lead them to us and us to them. Is that super dorky? Oh well, it is what I choose to believe so there ya go.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Social Butterflies


So we had a busy busy long weekend as our lives slowly transition from forced cocooning and everyone staying away to a more normal social schedule. This is good but at the same time we have to be careful to try not to do too much, too soon or it throws the kids off. We probably overdid it this weekend but you dont know what is too much until you are there.... Everyone had fun though! Dinner at Clay's on Saturday, the Elflines at our house Sunday night and then Baba Marta and Dyuduska Craig for morning play time and finally Aunty Beth for dinner last night! Busy busy little bees. Here are some pics from the weekend I thought you might enjoy. Too crazed with a big work deadline to write more now but wanted to say we are so excited that Grand Nanny Jaimie is arriving tonight- we cant wait to see her!!!

More later-