Friday, September 19, 2008

Well, it was bound to happen.

Last night was our first trip to the ER. Poor Sasha took a header into the corner of heating vent during a game of "lets run around instead of going to bed". His socks were just to slippery and his sister was chasing him and well, that is how these things happen.

There was lots of blood (yuck) and Aaron called 911 before the situation was fully assessed by Mama so soon we had 6 firemen in our living room. We got the blood to stop fast with pressure and a towel before they even got there. They announced he would be fine but we needed stitches, so off to the ER for the Brand family. I think Sasha was a little bummed he didnt get to ride in the fire truck really. They had already taken off for the next emergency by the time we found shoes and got the kids into the car. I dont recommend Northwest Hospital on a thursday evening- we should have gone to Children's but this is closer. It is also apparently where the ladies of the night come for their late night needs - not as bad as Harborview, but not exactly what I was hoping to expose my toddlers too...

Anyway, 4 hours later, 2 stitches and gauze turban to keep him from scratching at it and we were finally off. Then it was time to put our kids (who were great and brave in the hospital) to bed now that they were home and could freak out in peace. LONG TIME for that. Anyway, all is fine now- he is running around playing dress up with his sister. Here is a funny pic of him taken last night- just for kicks.

Mama is tired and now that the adreline has worn off I need a nap!

Thanks for all the people that responded to my last post- good to know I am not talking to myself (makes me feel slightly more sane) and I will keep it up. :)



Unknown said...

Glad he's ok, the picture will make a great memory later :-)

Anonymous said...

What troopers! Glad he is ok. Very scary for sure. I love reading your blog. Keep me posted on the tonsils, this is something we have had to watch with Jack. Several of his friends have had the surgery and all have done great. Liam was in the hospital last year and I was able to spend the night, so I am guessing that will be the same with Children's. He had this very big crib that he hated, so we both slept in the small uncomfortable chair bed. Can't wait to see the swimming pictures.