Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aaron the Uber Dad


So yesterday was Aaron's first official day as a stay at home dad. He was awesome- not only did the kids have an awesome day but he was able to do dishes, fold laundry, clean the bathroom - all at the same time. I never ever would have been able to pull that off!! YAY Aaron! The kids were a bit miffed at Mama when I got home from the office (early!) because, well, I think they were not expecting me to be gone so long but it is a transistion on all sides and we will figure it out I am sure.

I dont have long to blog but I did want to post some more pics of the kiddos- because they are so cute (even with chicken pox). Here they are playing super hero in the apartment in Moscow and then a couple from home this week.


True Story said...

Congrats Sarah! Beautiful children..and they look so much like you guys. Funny how God just seems to work that out.

Karen said...

They are so cute. I especially love Ana's big grin in the picture with the hat. Congratulations on getting them home!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Great pics! Thanks for sharing! Way to go Aaron! Now dont burn yourself out, take it easy with your new SAHD status. ;)